17 easy ways to earn money from BLOGS

 Top Earning Blogs | Make Money Online Blogging

Have you been running a blog for some time? Then you have a lot of content. And the good news is, you can repurpose and reuse this content to quickly create additional content to sell, build your list and generate leads.

1. Create An Email Or Sequence :

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The key to this strategy is to choose your evergreen content, format them into emails, and then upload them to your autoresponder. Here are three different ways to do it:
Take a series of blog posts and turn them into an autoresponder sequence. This works particularly well if you have a training series on your blog to turn into an ecourse.
Turn a long blog post into a series of emails. For example, if you have a post that shares ten tips, then you can create ten separate emails out of this post.
• Turn one blog post into one email. When you run out of blog posts that you can use to create a series, then you can always turn any individual blog post into an email.

2. Build a Lead Magnet :

The idea here is to compile multiple blog posts to create a lead magnet report or other downloadable report. You can even create a “toolkit” with these pieces to distribute to prospects and customers. For example:
• Compile a series of blog posts on the topic of writing a sales letter to create The Copywriter’s Toolkit. Then give  this toolkit away as a lead magnet.
• Create a report and send it to your existing subscribers as a special surprise.
• Create an ultra-targeted report, and then use this report to segment your list.

3. Design a Slide-Share Video :

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All you have to do here is turn an article or set of articles into a slide- share video. You can use the text from the articles to create the slides (using software like PowerPoint™). If you have graphics with your articles to include on the slides, that’s even better. Then use a screen recording software such as Camtasia to run your slide-share. You can narrate it yourself, or simply set it to music. Here’s another idea...

4. Create a “Talking Head” Training Video For YouTube :

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This is an easy way to create new content, because all you have to do is turn the camera on yourself and use the article as the basis for a training video. You can even add a demo into the training video. For example, turn an article about weight training into a training video complete with a demo of two or three lifts. Or turn an article about setting up a blog into a training video
that includes a screen capture video that shows every step of the

5. Post the Content on Social Media :

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You can take a blog post and publish it directly on social media, such as Facebook. You can use a post to answer questions on sites such as LinkedIn questions or Quora. You can even excerpt out short tips and use them to create tweets for Twitter.

6. Create an Infographic :
Take a blog post that’s heavy on data or other facts, and then use the content to create an infographic that you give away. For example:
• Give the infographic away to your newsletter readers.
• Distribute the infographic on social media and encourage your followers to share and retweet.
• Ask your joint venture partners to give the infographic away to their subscribers and followers.

7. Sell the Licensing Rights to Select Pieces
Here’s a quick way to make money from your content: sell the licensing rights to other marketers, bloggers and small business owners. Since you’ve already distributed this content for free, your best bet is to sell the PLR (private label rights), which gives license holders the freedom to modify the content and distribute it in whatever way they see fit.
Alternatively, you can compile your best content to create a report, and then offer resell rights to this new product. The benefit there is that your links remain intact, so you can reap the backend profits.

8. Turn the Content Into a Series of Podcasts :
Get out a mic and audio recording software like Audacity, and you can turn an article into a podcast. If you have a set of related blog posts, then you can turn them into a series of podcasts. You can then distribute these podcasts on your blog, on social media, and even as a “guest post” on other peoples’ blogs.

9. Use the Content Inside Paid Products :

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The idea here is to use your blog content to bolster your paid products. For example, let’s suppose you’re writing a chapter in an ebook about housetraining a puppy. If you have a blog post with 17 tips for housetraining a puppy, you can insert that into your product. You can even include a note that says the article came from your blog, along with a link to the blog and a call to action to visit the blog.

10. Create Guest Posts for Other Peoples’ Blogs

Guest post: ¿qué es, cuáles son sus ventajas y cómo empezar?
Here’s a great way to turn your existing content into new traffic and leads: simply use it to create guest content for other blogs. TIP: You can find other blogs that accept guest posts by running
a Google search for your niche keywords alongside words such as “guest posts” or “submit article” or “guest author.” E.G., “dog training guest post.”

11. Give the Content to Your Affiliates :
In other words, stock your affiliate center with your blog content, and let your affiliates insert their affiliate links into the content and use it to promote your products. Here are four ways to use existing content to stock the affiliate center:
• Upload the content as-is and let people post it to their own blogs.
• Create emails and autoresponder sequences out of the content.
• Compile the content to create rebrandable reports.
• Excerpt out portions of the content to create short blurbs to post on social media.

12. Compile the Best Posts to Create a Tripwire Product :
The idea here is to create a low-cost tripwire product you sell for $7. Better yet, add some additional content to your report to add value to the product. For example: “The Seven Secrets of Getting Ripped That Every Competitive Bodybuilder Ought to Know.” TIP: Here’s another twist: turn this report into a Kindle ebook, and sell it in the Amazon marketplace.

13. Use Content As Handouts During Guest Speaking Gigs :

 12 Engagement and Presentation Ideas To Give Your Speakers

Use The Content To Create FAQs First, draw up a list of frequently asked questions. Then use your blog content to answer these questions. You can then use these FAQs in a variety of ways, including:
• Post the FAQ at your help desk.
• Use the FAQ to answer questions for coaching clients.
• Publish the new FAQ on your blog.

14. Excerpt For Use in Joint Ventures:
The idea behind this strategy is to excerpt out the best blog titles and other pieces to create a swipe file to sell or give to marketers. You can even compile it with content from other participants for a JV distribution.

Here’s the strategy: take your best articles and use them to create a bonus report for people who purchase one of your offers. Alternatively, you can create a bonus for the affiliate offers you’re promoting. Either way, be sure to promote other related offers inside the bonus product!

15. Insert Content Into Your Sales Letters :
The idea here is to insert excerpts of your articles directly into your product sales letters.
For example, if you are selling a product about starting a membership site and you have an article entitled “5 Ways To Make Money With Your Own Membership Site”, then include it in
your sales letter. This helps plant a seed and get people excited about your product.
16. Create Fermium :

One good way to build relationships with your subscribers and get sales on the backend is by giving them freemiums from time to time. You don’t need to create all these freemiums from scratch. Instead, compile some of your best content to create reports, cheat sheets,
checklists, toolkits and more.

 17. Use The Content For a Live Stream :

The Must-Read Guide: Professional Facebook Live Streams (Part. I) - ManyCam  Blog ManyCam Blog
You can save yourself a lot of time and prep work in advance of a live stream by using one or more of your articles as an outline for your talking points. For example, if your live stream is all about how to write a good sales headline, then you might use an article called “10 Tips For Writing Cash-Pulling Headlines” as your talking points.

 18. Create Social Media Cards  :

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People love sharing graphics on social media, which is why you should share short content on a graphic (card) whenever possible. You can make these cards fairly easily simply by pulling quotes out of our content, putting the quotes into graphical form, and publishing them on your social media platforms. For example, you might turn an inspirational weight-loss quote into a graphic and shoot it out to followers on Twitter, your Facebook Page and your Facebook group.

Conclusion :
So there you have it – 18 ways to turn your existing blog content into new products, new lead generators, and new content for your social media, blogs and newsletters. If you a few dozen posts on your blog now, you won’t need to create new content from scratch for weeks or months. So go ahead and get started with these ideas right away



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